Illustration of the pentest provider mioso - IT Security with several hackers in hoodies working on laptops, surrounded by digital glitches and glitches.

IT Security Consulting by mioso - IT Security

The security of a company's IT infrastructure is of crucial importance, but it does not always make sense to start directly with a penetration test. Comprehensive IT security consulting can often be a more effective way of gaining an initial overview. Our experienced consultants support companies in drawing up a detailed plan of their system landscape. All security-relevant points are visualised so that targeted measures to increase security can then be developed.

Holistic security strategies and cyber hygiene

Our approach to IT security is holistic and follows the principle of ‘defence in depth’. We offer customised strategies that can vary depending on the company and the threat situation in order to increase your company's security in the best possible way. A holistic security strategy means that we take all aspects of IT security into account. This starts with sensitising and training employees.

The biggest IT security vulnerability is the human factor. A click on a supposedly legitimate email attachment, an insecure password, an external data carrier - these are all simple gateways that can massively jeopardise a company's IT security. Employees often do not act with malicious intent, but out of ignorance. They do not realise what impact a wrong click can have on the company's internal IT.

A well-trained team is the first step towards avoiding security gaps. In special security awareness training courses, we train your employees to recognise threats at an early stage and react appropriately. We not only impart knowledge, but also establish cyber hygiene concepts that should be applied regularly, similar to hygiene measures in everyday life. Simple rules and regular updates can sustainably improve the security of the IT infrastructure.

Security concepts for networks and web applications

A central component of our IT security strategies is securing the network infrastructure. Whether network segmentation, secure configuration of firewalls, VPNs or mobile device management - we check and optimise the protection of your network connections. Our team will help you to secure your web infrastructure and eliminate vulnerabilities in a targeted manner.

IT security during the development process

In application development in particular, it can make sense to consider IT security as early as the coding process. Our knowledge and experience from numerous penetration tests enable us to recognise frequently occurring attack vectors at an early stage and thus prevent them from arising in the first place. As a result, security risks can be minimised during development.

Conclusion: Comprehensive IT security consulting

Comprehensive IT security consulting is the first step towards a secure IT infrastructure. Our experienced consultants at mioso - IT Security, a brand of the Hamburg-based IT service provider mioso - IT Solutions, work with you to create a detailed plan of your system landscape in order to identify all security-relevant points. mioso offers IT consulting with customised strategies and a holistic approach that ensures your company is optimally protected. Our IT security service includes consulting, analyses, design and implementation. From employee training and network segmentation to endpoint security and penetration tests - we support you in continuously improving the security of your IT infrastructure.