Extract from our pentest and IT security customers

Whether pentesting or IT security consulting - our customers include start-ups, SMEs and corporations. Due to confidentiality agreements, we cannot disclose the names of our customers. You can find an excerpt or exemplary industry overview of our IT security customers here:

Our expertise spans many different industries, which enables us to develop customised security recommendations that meet the specific requirements and threats of each industry. We have gained extensive experience in the area of critical infrastructures (KRITIS) in particular. Companies from a wide range of industries and sectors with specific security requirements rely on our expertise and specialist knowledge to prevent far-reaching effects on their business processes.

Industries and examples

Here are some of the most important industries that have already benefited from our work in the past:

Online shops, both B2C and B2B, are attractive targets for cyber attacks. Our penetration tests help to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in web shops and point-of-sale systems. In this way, we help to ensure that customer data and transactions are secure and protected.

Energy supply
Operators of energy supply networks must protect their IT systems and internal infrastructure against threats. We simulate internal threats using so-called internal perpetrator simulations and carry out comprehensive penetration tests in client networks to identify and close security gaps.

Financial sector
Banks and financial institutions face the challenge of securing a large attack surface. Our services include analysing the attack surface as well as detailed risk analyses to identify vulnerabilities and implement targeted security measures.

Healthcare sector
In the healthcare sector, protecting sensitive patient data is a top priority. We test access control systems, biometric systems, AI systems and patient management systems to ensure that these systems are robust against cyber attacks and comply with data protection requirements.

Global logistics companies need reliable IT systems for planning and handling transport. With penetration tests, we support logistics companies in recognising vulnerabilities in their global logistics planning systems and ensuring effective incident recovery.

In the aviation industry, IoT systems and sensor systems are crucial for safety and efficiency. We perform penetration testing on these systems as well as retrofit hardware to ensure the security of assets and minimise potential threats.

Insurance companies
Insurance companies use field service and customer portals that need to be protected against cyber attacks. Our penetration tests identify vulnerabilities in these portals and provide solutions to improve security.

Mechanical engineering
In mechanical engineering, protecting sensitive data and networks is critical. Our services include darknet investigations, network penetration testing, attack surface analysis and incident recovery to ensure organisations are protected against cyber threats.

Our expertise in these and many other industries ensures that we can provide customised security solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. Contact us to find out how our penetration testing services can help your organisation become more secure and resilient against cyber threats.